Time for BOLT to Transition

Growth is something we know a lot about at BOLT Transition. We embrace it every day … advising leaders and boards, helping leaders leaving an organization and those coming in. And we know that growth is what we must all navigate in the natural and exciting evolution of business.

Now we’re the ones taking our own advice and accelerating our growth!

After five years in development and operation, BOLT will wrap up with Andrea Mondor and Jane Halford concluding their joint venture partnership. Effective September 16, BOLT Transition will work with its current clients to ensure a seamless transfer to Jane’s or Andrea’s respective companies. Going forward, Jane and Andrea will each continue to provide outstanding expertise to clients and organizations across Canada.

Feel free to contact either Andrea or Jane. Our business community is filled with great relationships and collaborations and this remains one. If you’re looking for support for a leadership transition, feel free to talk to either Jane or Andrea depending on what you’re looking for and the scope of the advice and services you need.

We would like to stay connected with you! Please click through the links below to continue receiving insights and information from us:

You can reach Andrea at roartransitions.com

You can reach Jane at halford.co

We’re excited about what the future holds and ready to deliver for you!

Andrea and Jane